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{香港JR设计 HK JR Design} 香港JR带您了解绿色设计理念在室内设计中的应用与研究

The research Center of Ministry of Science and Information Technology of The People's Republic of China is a key project of the national Science and Technology Development Research Plan during the 13th Five-Year Plan period

国家科学信息技术部研究中心“十三五”全国 科学技术发展研究规划重点课题

"Computer Information Technology application and research" project


Project "Green design concept in interior design application research" project results compilation






Abstract: In recent years, with the continuous development of China's economy and society, the concept of green new ecology has gradually penetrated into the interior decoration design concept, and is widely used in the decoration in recent years. However, some new ecological green design in the implementation process has not been well implemented to implement the concept of green development, interior design lack of green heritage. This topic aims at exploring the application of green design concept in interior design, and proposes some feasible suggestions, hoping to contribute to the healthy development of green design concept in interior design.


Key words: green design; Interior design; Environmental protection; Resource consumption; Man and nature 


1. Significance, value and theoretical support of the topic

1. 选题的意义、价值和理论支持

1.1 Theoretical significance of the topic

1.1 选题的理论意义

With the development of market economy informationization, new green environmental protection design concept has been the subject of a new era, is the first choice for families of interior decoration design, more and more designers prefer to decorate the scenery "shift" in the design, clever with the help of the new type of green environmental protection and energy saving, low carbon environmental protection material, to build a healthy, comfortable living environment of human beings, Give people a relaxed feeling of living in nature, not only can edify the life interest, but also can promote the sustainable development and utilization of natural resources. Research on the application of green design concept in interior design is helpful to enrich the relevant theoretical research content and further improve the theoretical research system.


1.2 Practical significance and value of the topic

1.2 选题的实践意义和价值

With the popularization of the concept of environmental protection and energy saving, etc, people under the aware of the problem of yan started in various fields to launch the "green" fashion, and interior design field, is one of the fields which is closely linked with the people living, many interior designers under the impetus of the trend, from a deeper probe into green interior design and the relationship between the strategy of "sustainable development", It tries to establish a production mode that can develop harmoniously among people, society and environment. This kind of exploration marks a major revolution in the field of interior design, and the concept of green interior design was born from this, which has become one of the mainstream modes of interior design today. The application research of green design concept in interior design has significant practical significance and research value.

随着环保与节能等理念的不断普及,人们在意识到问题严性的情况下开始在各个领域展开着绿色时尚, 而室内设计领域,则更是与人们生存息息相关的领域之一,许多室内设计人员在大势的推动下,从更深层次的探究绿色室内设计与可持续发展战略的关系,力图在人与社会、环境三者之间建立起一种能够和谐发展的生产方式,这种探究,标志着室内设计领域在进行着一场重大的变革,绿色室内设计理念也由此而诞生,成为了当今室内设计的主流方式之一。绿色设计理念在室内设计中的应用研究,其实践意义和研究价值显著。

1.3 Theoretical support for the research

1.3 课题研究的理论支撑

Sustainable development has become one of the main goals of our times. Environmentally friendly products and environmentally compatible manufacturing methods are favored by the market, especially those with excellent design. Volume I of Green Design focuses on products in different areas that fit the principles of environmental sustainability, including resource-saving raw materials and production methods, energy-efficient or self-powered energy use methods, and fair and friendly production and trade methods. Fussy, original or luxurious design can hardly stand on its own in today's world, where environmental protection and sustainability are the main selling points in today's market. The principle of environmental protection is also widely applied in the manufacturing process of products. For example, some products can save resources in production, have low emissions in use, and realize environmentally friendly recycling treatment at the end of the life of products. The principle of recycling and converting unconventional materials, rather than simply discarding them, is particularly important. Volume ii of Green Design shows us the rich and colorful creative strategies in environmentally compatible design in recent years.


1.4 Definition of related concepts

1.4 相关概念的界定

Where the word "green" came from. Green is a symbol of life. In terms of its natural attributes, green comes from the material representation of plants. Green conveys the image of freshness, ideal, hope and growth. "Green" symbolizes life, peace, youth, health, comfort and safety. It is because of this that green has become a synonym for the virtuous cycle of ecological environment. The core concept of "green design", which takes green as the attribute, is to create a design system that conforms to the law of the virtuous cycle of ecological environment. In the professional category of interior environment design, green design is the phrase with the highest frequency and the most fashionable at the turn of the century. It is necessary for us to have a comprehensive understanding of green interior design. The concept of green design. The concept of green design is to reflect the best state of human ideal living environment, which is different from all kinds of design thoughts in the past. It tries to establish a coordinated development mechanism between "human, society and environment" through design activities.

绿色二字的来源。绿色是生命的象征,绿色就其自然属性而言来源于植物的物质表象,绿色所传达的清爽,理想,希望,生长的意象,绿色的本意代表绿色植物是,生态系统的支柱,维持各种生命体生存的生态环境。绿色象征着生命、和平、青春、健康、舒适安全。正因如此绿色才成为生态环境良性循环的代名词, 以绿色作为定语的绿色设计,其核心概念就是创造符合生态环境良性循环规律的设计系统。在室内环境设计的专业范畴,绿色设计是世纪之交出现频率最高也最为时尚的一个词组。我们有必要对绿色室内设计有一个全面的认识。绿色设计的概念。绿色设计概念是体现人类理想生存环境的最佳状态,它有别于以往形形色色的各种设计思潮,力图通过设计活动在社会环境之间建立起一种协调发展的机制。

2. Ideas, objectives and specific contents of the research

2.  课题研究的思路、目标和具体内容

2.1 Research ideas

2.1 课题研究思路

Only designers and human society have the concept of green design, interior design will be more forward, reduce the consumption of resources and energy; Only when the interior space is green design, other space and even the whole natural space will become more harmonious, people's living environment will be guaranteed, the harmonious coexistence between man and nature will not be far away, and sustainable development can be achieved. This topic aims at exploring the application of green design concept in interior design, and proposes some feasible suggestions, hoping to contribute to the healthy development of green design concept in interior design.


2.2 Research objectives

2.2 课题研究目标

Interior design is an indispensable part of our lives, and the green in interior design is also the focus. Green design plays a pivotal role in interior decoration, running through interior design from conception to space division, to construction to layout and decoration and other aspects. Interior design has the duality of material function and spiritual function. Green design is to adhere to meet the requirements of spiritual function on the basis of reasonable material function. It should not only innovate, but also work hard on the overall effect and usability. We have to go further. I believe that in the future, interior design will be more reasonable, more progressive, better.


2.3 Research content

2.3 课题研究内容

Research on the application of green design concept in interior design. The specific research contents are as follows:


(1) The origin of green design in interior design

(1) 室内设计中绿色设计的由来

Is also called the green design, green design, the concept of dating back to America in the 1960 s, is a campaign to oppose waste of resources and industrial pollution ecological imbalance caused by the consumer movement, the concrete used in the design of the product and its process of whole process, fully consider its the damage to the environment, make our products to minimize the use of resource consumption. Although the concept of green design is not far away from us, it is still in a preliminary stage, but it has become an unstoppable trend in design. Green design concept in interior design, obviously we can understand that the green design concept throughout the whole process of interior design. Of course, in concrete practice, we must ensure people's basic functional needs, and at the same time, ensure people's comfort, make people's life more healthy, green and organic, and ease the tension between man and nature.

绿色设计,又称环保设计,该概念的提出可追溯到 20 世纪 60 年代的美国,是一场旨在反对资源浪费和工业污染造成生态不平衡的反消费运动,具体指在产品的设计及其使用过程的全部过程中,充分考虑其对环境造成的危害,使产品的使用对资源消耗降到最小。虽然绿色设计理念概念的提出时间离我们并不遥远,还处于一个初级阶段,但是它已经成为设计中不可阻挡的趋向。室内设计中的绿色设计理念,显然我们可以理解为把绿色设计理念贯穿于室内设计的全部过程。当然,在具体实践中,必须在保证人们基本功能需求的同时,保障人们的舒适度,让人们的生活变得更加健康、绿色有机,缓解人与自然的紧张关系。

(2) The necessity of green design application in interior design

(2) 室内设计中绿色设计应用的必要性

There are many reasons for incorporating green design concepts into interior design, and here are a few important ones.


1. Start from China's reality. Interior design or other design has long put forward the issue of green environmental protection, especially in western countries, their design development originated earlier, the same problem is also earlier than our country. While the West has woken up to the need for green design, China seems to have shrugged it off. China is a populous country, the pursuit of rapid economic development has exacerbated the environmental deterioration rapidly, China should pay attention to green design, because only by improving the environment, the earth can run healthily, and people can have room to live. Every year in China, children with formaldehyde poisoning are hospitalized in a large number of cases. Formaldehyde is a common problem in interior design. We are aware of it, but we have not taken practical action to change the result. Indoor space is the space where people stay for the longest time. Only from interior design can we breathe healthy air and have the ecological environment we depend on for survival.


2. Start from the designer's social responsibility. Designer is the executor of design, through design to convey information, create beautiful space, designers make life more beautiful. The concept of green design is integrated into the design, and the idea of green design is spread. The most important role is the designer. The news of environmental deterioration comes from all around, such as global warming, haze, rising sea level and so on. Design is the most important way to make people realize the severity of the problem, which is the responsibility of designers. Through interior design works, designers convey green design information to people from the aspects of materials, colors, space layout, etc. Every time people see, hear and feel is reasonable and healthy products and space environment, and people will naturally have environmental awareness.

2、从设计师的社会责任出发。设计师是设计的执行者,通过设计传递信息,创造美的空间,设计师让生活变   得更加美好。在设计中融入绿色设计理念,传播了绿色设计思想,最重要的角色是设计师。环境恶化的消息从四周传来,如全球变暖、雾霾、海平面上升等等。如何才能让人们意识到问题的严峻,设计是最重要的方式,这是设计师的责任。设计师通过室内设计作品,从材料、颜色、空间布局等方面向人们传递绿色设计信息,人们每看到的、听到的、感触到的都是合理、健康的产品与空间环境,人们自然而然就会拥有环保意识。

(3) The characteristics of the application of green design concept in interior design

3 绿色设计理念在室内设计中应用的特点

1. The concept of green design runs through the whole process of interior design. Green design is applied in interior design, stay on idea not only. In the design side to waste natural resources and energy phenomenon, the biggest part is the construction technology and materials. With the progress of science and technology and the improvement of national comprehensive ability, people's life has become richer, and the requirements for design have also increased, but there have also been some problems, such as excessive decorative design. Therefore, green design should run through the interior design from every aspect. In the application of materials, through the development and innovation of technology, there are many environment-friendly materials, such as: raw earth materials in construction; In the color collocation, designers more consider the integration with the natural environment, such as: green, a variety of comfortable plant colors; In the extension of space, the designer sprinkled the outdoor natural sunlight into the interior through the large glass Windows, and reflected the outdoor landscape into the interior space, such as: Fallingwater villa in Japan; In the construction process, the designer also pay special attention to, as far as possible not to damage the original building structure and materials. A design is not finished, it also focuses on consumer experience and feedback, so as to promote the improvement and progress of the design. Therefore, green design not only considers the current feeling, especially the living space, but also comprehensively considers the safety and comfort of people in the next few decades, so that people can enjoy health for a long time.


2.many special plants become the new decoration of interior green design. Green design definitely includes plants, want to be more intimate and harmonious with nature, we move the landscape into the interior space. Succulent plant is very popular in interior design application, succulent just walked into people's field of vision in recent years. The reason why succulent is put into the interior space is mainly because of its function. First, it can purify the air. We use the meat to the computer, reduce the computer's radiation to the human body, and purify the indoor uncomfortable smell, let the air become more fresh. Secondly, it has a decorative function. Succulents are planted in small POTS to make people feel "cute". In addition to small potted plants, also can be placed in a large area, and the reorganization of succulent and other plants design landscape, small and delicate, by a lot of office space white-collar workers love, windowsill, desk can be seen everywhere.

2许多特殊植物成为室内绿色设计的新装饰。绿色设计肯定是包含植物的,想与大自然更亲密地和谐的相处,    我们将景观移入是室内空间。多肉植物在室内设计中的应用非常受欢迎,多肉是近几年才走进人们的视野。多肉被放入室内空间的原因,主要是考虑其功能。首先,它可以净化空气。大家把多肉运用到电脑旁,减少电脑对人体的`辐射,同时净化室内不舒服的气味,让空气变得更清新。其次,它具有装饰功能。将多肉放在小盆里栽种, 让人觉得萌萌哒。除了小盆栽,也可以大面积摆放,还有多肉与其他植物的重组设计景观,小巧而精致,受到了许多办公空间的白领们的喜爱,窗台、办公桌等随处可见。

3. Green design-themed interior space. Many interior designs are themed around green design. Such as restaurant design, many businesses to the theme of the restaurant positioning green restaurant, from cutlery, food, and then to the whole space environment are fully reflected in the concept of environmental protection. I remember an investigation in Jiangxi province, we went to a restaurant named "Great Adventure", my teacher and I discussed for a long time, the design concept of this restaurant is: 500 years ago, the environment is a harmony between man and nature, there is no such air pollution problems, join to give you a chance, you will cherish and protect 500 years ago it? Yes, 500 years ago let our living space deteriorated, we should all reflect on their own behavior, as designers, we should advocate green design from the perspective of design, practice green design. In fact, many restaurant tableware began to use fruits, vegetables and so on instead of, such as wax gourd, pumpkin, gourd and so on, which makes people eat very healthy, there is no bad impact on the environment.

3、绿色设计主题室内空间。许多室内设计都以绿色设计为主题。如餐厅设计,很多商家把餐厅的主题定位绿   色餐厅,从餐具、食物,再到整个空间环境都充分体现了环保概念。记得在江西的一次考察,我们去了一家名为大探险的餐厅,我和老师讨论了许久,这家餐厅的设计理念是:500 年前的环境是人与自然和谐相处,没有这些空气污染问题,加入给你一次机会,你会珍惜和保护 500 年前的它吗?是的,500 年前让我们的生活空间变质了,我们都该反思自己的行为,作为设计师,我们应该从设计的角度去提倡绿色设计,践行绿色设计。其实很多餐厅的餐具开始用水果、蔬菜等代替,如冬瓜、南瓜、、葫芦等等,这让人吃得很健康,对环境也没有不良影响。

(4) The application of green design concept in interior design

4 绿色设计理念在室内设计中的应用

1. Reasonable layout of interior space. Space is the main body of interior design. Before design, we must fully understand and analyze interior space, and combine the size, pattern and direction of interior space with reasonable and feasible methods to carry out program design. In the interior design should be on the basis of the design principles to give the interior space some unique vitality, design a healthy, beautiful, comfortable, environmental protection living environment. Rational layout and design of the interior space to achieve the best lighting and ventilation effect, to achieve the reuse of the natural environment. If be in sitting in the house design that faces south, should reduce the height that faces south windowsill as far as possible, the height that faces north windowsill is raised correspondingly at the same time, such design can expand insolation range not only, and natural daylighting effect is better, also be advantageous to the circulation of indoor air, design the indoor environment that gives a winter warm summer cool, north and south to appear thereby. In the interior design, on the premise of ensuring the practicality and comfort of the interior design, we should also do a good job in functional zoning, so that the interaction between each functional space, at the same time can also be part of the smaller space designed as storage space, so as to improve the utilization rate of space.

1、室内空间的合理布局。空间是室内设计的主体,在设计前必须要充分了解与分析室内空间,并结合室内空间的大小、格局、方向等运用合理、可行的方法进行方案设计。在室内设计时应在设计原则的基础上赋予室内空间一些独特的生命力,设计出健康、美观、舒适、环保的居住环境。对室内空间进行合理的布局与设计,以取得最佳的采光和通风效果,实现对自然环境的重复利用。如在坐北朝南的房子设计中,应尽量降低朝南窗台的高度, 同时将朝北窗台的高度相应提高,这样的设计不仅能扩大日照范围,且自然采光效果更佳,也有利于室内空气的流通,从而设计出一个冬暖夏凉、南北通透的室内环境。在室内设计时,保证室内设计实用性和舒适性的前提下还应做好功能分区,以便各个功能空间之间的相互影响,同时还可以将部分较小的空间设计成储存空间,从而提高空间的利用率。

2. green furniture. In the process of interior design, furniture decoration is an important part of the design. In traditional interior design, people pay more attention to the price, style and service life of furniture when choosing furniture, and pay insufficient attention to the material and safety of furniture. Based on the concept of green energy saving and environmental protection, in the choice of furniture, should choose the furniture with green environmental protection material is given priority to, such as part of the log, bamboo, and other furniture, and the material of furniture mainly package log furniture, bamboo furniture and rattan furniture, and also require that these furniture material must have a special effect. In interior design, should regard as design principle with use, environmental protection, undertake processing through the respect such as the quality of a material to furniture, craft and structure, with simple line, environmental protection material and clever space regard design as key point. Through the application of these green, environmental protection furniture, can effectively reduce the release of formaldehyde and other harmful solvents, so as to meet people's requirements for safety and environmental protection. At the same time, natural elements can be introduced in the design process, and natural elements such as flowers and trees can be rationally run into the interior design, which can not only bring the beauty of interior decoration, but also play a role in purifying air and other effects, which is conducive to improving the quality of people's living environment.


3. Application of low-carbon materials. To interior stylist, small space pattern is treated completely as a delicate handicraft to be made. The interior space pattern should be combined with the local geographical environment, the perennial wind direction, and people's living habits. The application of low-carbon environmental protection materials should be determined according to the characteristics of each household, but generally the safety and ventilation performance should be better. As far as environmental protection is concerned, recycled raw materials are preferred, such as wallpaper made of wheat straw. As to chemical composition content is too high, contain those who radioactive material decorate material to want to prohibit to use especially. The low carbon of interior design decoration materials means not only to improve the utilization efficiency of energy and renewable materials, but also to pay attention to the reuse of conventional energy and non-renewable energy. Interior designers need to make full use of natural energy such as sunlight and air. They should try to replace non-renewable energy with new energy and new materials, and make use of indoor decoration materials repeatedly to avoid soil pollution and construction waste, so as to create a low-carbon interior decoration environment.


4. Light environment. Usually we divide light environment into artificial light environment and natural light environment. Sunlight is an important part of the natural light environment. When the light from the sun changes with the flow of time and weather, it has a direct impact on the light environment. Artificial light sources, such as signal lights, incandescent bulbs and laser lamps, are produced by humans using tools and energy. In order to achieve the purpose of reducing the consumption of mineral resources, in the selection of lamps, it is necessary to choose energy-saving light bulbs and LED light energy-saving products. LED lights have the advantages that ordinary lights do not have, such as being able to be associated with different types of sensors, and finally achieve infrared control, light control and other automatic control functions. In the courtyard lighting and community lighting at night, the activity information can be collected by infrared sensors, and the control light can be automatically adjusted, so as to achieve energy saving. In addition, compared with ordinary lights, LED lights do not have mercury vapor, which can pollute the atmosphere, and do not form a lot of heat energy. Second, LED will not appear flashing phenomenon, the eye can play a protective role, there will not be ultraviolet radiation generation, can prevent mosquitoes around, maintain the room inside the clean and tidy. Make good use of natural light to prevent the waste of energy caused by using light during the day when the room is dark. Natural light is related to the location, material, orientation, and size of the opening. The interior design should take into account the different orientations of the rooms and make full use of natural light through flexible lighting methods.

4光环境。通常我们将光环境分成人工光环境和自然光环境两种。太阳光是自然光环境中的重要组成部分。当太阳光的光线随着时间的流动和天气出现改变的时候,都将对光环境产生直接的影响。人类采用工具以及能源产生的如信号灯、白炽灯以及激光灯等光源便是人工光源。为了实现降低矿物资源的消耗的目的,在灯具选择的时候,必须选择如节能灯泡以及 LED 灯灯节能产品。LED 灯有着一般的灯不具备的优点,比如说能够和不同类型的传感器相关联,最终达到红外控制、光控等各种自动控制的功能。在庭院照明和社区的晚上照明中,能够通过红外传感器收集到人的活动信息,对照明灯进行自动调控,从而实现能源的节约。另外,和一般的照明灯相比,LED 灯没有会污染大气环境的水银蒸汽,也不会形成大量的热能。其次,LED 还不会出现闪烁现象,对眼睛可以起到保护作用,也不会有紫外线产生,可以防止蚊虫的环绕,维持房间里面的干净整洁。充分的将自然光利用好,可以防止白天由于房间阴暗而使用照明造成的能源浪费。自然光和采光口的位置、材料、朝向以及大小是有关系的。在进行室内设计时,应该考虑到房间的不同朝向,通过灵活的采光方式,实现对自然光的充分利用。

5. Air environment system. The ambient system of air involves three parts: air temperature, the speed of air flow in the room and humidity. The quality of the air environment has a great impact on the health of the human body. People can feel the temperature. Too high temperature will lead to heat stroke, and too low temperature will lead to cold. High temperature is also easy to cause the deformation and mold of indoor decorations and furniture, mold will stimulate the human body. Too low temperatures can lead to dryness, which can lead to dry mouth, cleft lip, respiratory problems and nosebleeds. Statistics show that the relative humidity in a room is best maintained between 40 and 70 percent. The quality of the air can be improved if the air velocity in the room is in the appropriate range. The factor such as humidity, natural temperature, ventilation should be made full use of as far as possible when carrying out interior design. Indoor decoration materials should be selected as hygroscopic, heat-absorbing and relatively stable materials. When designing the pattern, the position of doors and Windows must be considered to ensure that each space in the room can give full play to the role of ventilation and ventilation of doors and Windows.


6. Organic combination of design concept and design method. Interior design based on the concept of green energy saving and environmental protection must attach importance to the combination of design concept and specific design methods. If design in hard space, must use soft design, zero material cost design and other decorative ways. Hard space soft design refers to the use of appropriate and feasible design methods based on the materiality of the house structure. Soft design is mainly based on the structure of the room, through the use of different materials and colors to decorate the interior space design, in order to change people's psychological and physiological feelings of the space content. In the process of interior design, designers must combine the concept of green energy saving and environmental protection with the design method, such as the use of light change segmentation, and maintain the permeability of the indoor environment while dividing the space. Compared with wall partition, through the application of lighting skills, can effectively dig out the performance potential of design elements, can reduce the consumption of decorative materials, not only can enrich people's requirements for indoor environment beauty, but also reflects the interior design of green energy saving and environmental protection concept.


(5) Suggestions on the application of green design concepts in interior design

5 在室内设计中应用绿色设计理念的建议

1. Reduce resource consumption. Advocate simple design idea, as far as possible to reduce the consumption of resources, in the consumption of the least energy to achieve the established design effect, through the scientific application of environmental protection materials, to ensure that there is no toxic substances in the decoration materials, so as to reduce the impact of decoration on the environment. At the same time, in the process of interior design, but also to maintain a high energy saving society.


2. Resource recycling. Pay attention to the effective use of resources, the design should try to avoid the waste of resources, and strengthen the recycling of waste resources, constantly improve the utilization rate of resources, actively transform the recycling resources, so that they can become new decorative items, in addition, but also to strengthen the application of high-tech materials, The use of high-tech materials to replace the fragile materials, so that the materials can obtain a longer service life.

2、资源回收利用。注重资源的有效利用,设计当应尽量避免资源浪费问题,并对废弃资源加强回收利用,不断提升资源的利用率,对回收资源进行积极的改造,使其能够成为新的装饰物品,此外,还要对高科技材料加强应用, 使用高科技材料对易损材料进行取代,使材料能够获得更长的使用寿命。

3. Reflect the beauty of natural ecology. The integration of ecological elements should be strengthened to fully reflect the design concept of harmonious development between man and nature. Interior design should not only meet the functional needs of the interior, but also reflect the ecological benefits of the design, so that the interior can be filled with cultural and ecological atmosphere. Through the green design concept, the effective construction of ecological homes can be realized. Close to nature, improve the feeling of pressure in the concrete city, and the integration of green plants and buildings in line with the concept of sustainable development.

3、体现自然生态美。加强生态元素的融入,充分体现人与自然协调发展的设计观念,室内设计不但要满足室内   的各项功能需求,同时还要体现设计的生态效益,使室内能够具有人文气息和生态气息,通过绿色设计理念,实现生态家园的有效构建。亲近大自然,改善都市人在混凝土城市中的压迫感,同时绿色植物与建筑的融合符合可持续发展理念。

3. Research results

3. 课题研究成果

Society in constant development, also indicates the decoration industry in our country there will be more broad prospects for development, so it is need in be being designed indoors better energy-saving and environmental protection and green decoration, at the same time, constantly changing the concept of interior decoration industry, further study of the green ecological design theory and technology, so as to better promote the application and development of green ecological design.


At present, the indoor green design was based on the interior design, based on the concept of green design, the principle of environmental protection and energy saving, in order to meet different people on the interior decoration material and cultural needs, the application of the concept of green design in interior design, the renovation of the internal environment of the building, USES the advanced material technology and principle of interior decoration, The value-added work of deep processing of the interior space of the building is to realize the use value of the residential property by arranging the concrete material according to a certain combination principle. The application of green design concept in interior design also has many technical aspects. First of all, from the design scheme, we must follow the principles of green environmental protection, energy saving and emission reduction, combine customer needs, extract design elements, lock style intention, and creatively design interior project overview, material performance and cost. Secondly, in terms of design connotation, designers' cultural literacy and conception, fully consider the overall environment and resource consumption, pay attention to indoor environmental protection, reduce various consumption, and prevent secondary pollution. Third, pay attention to the details of design and implementation, in the process of project decoration, timely recovery of all kinds of waste materials, to protect the safety of the ecological environment. Finally, the purpose of indoor green design is to create a new green and energy-saving ecological environment for human habitation, which is conducive to people's health and safety, to achieve a certain unity of social, economic and environmental benefits, and to create favorable conditions for human sustainable development.


4. Some thoughts


Principles of interior green design: 1. Harmless principle of material selection: The harmless principle of interior decoration to people is mainly reflected in the decoration material suppliers, which involves the understanding of the concept of environmental protection materials. Use safe materials as much as possible in the decoration process; 2. Principle of simplification of materials: to advocate reasonable use of materials and moderate decoration, to make reasonable arrangement of decoration materials under the condition of changing the design mode and meeting the requirements of owners, to reduce garbage materials and avoid recycling waste; 3. Principle of green natural Landscape: Indoor green design should also consider the compatibility of interior and surrounding environment. Strive for organic combination with the environment, improve living comfort and health.

室内绿色设计的原则:1.选材无害化原则:室内装饰对人的无害化主要体现在装饰材料商,涉及到对环保材料概念的认识。在装饰过程中尽可能选用安全的材料;2.用材简化原则:提倡合理用材适度装修,在设计方式的改变,在满足业主要求的情况下合理安排装饰材料,减少垃圾材料,避免循环浪费;3.营造绿色自然景观原则: 室内绿色设计还应该考虑室内与周围环境的兼容性。力求与环境的有机结合,提高居住的舒适性和健康性。

The development direction of green design: people all yearn for the quiet childhood, in the tense life hope the environment around him to give him a little happiness. Therefore, on the road of survival and development, design and creation cannot do without the gift of nature. With the growth of environmental protection awareness, people yearn for nature, and natural drinks, natural materials, desire to live in the natural green environment. On this basis, designers are constantly working on "returning to nature", creating new texture effects and using concrete and abstract design techniques to make people associate with nature.

绿色设计的发展方向:人们都向往儿时的宁静,在紧张的生活中希望自己身边的环境给予自己一点安乐。所以在生存发展的道路上,设计和造物一刻也离不开大自然的恩赐。随着环境保护意识的增长,人们向往自然,和天    然饮料,用自然材料,渴望住在天然绿色环境中。在此基础上设计师不断在回归自然上下功夫,创造新的肌理效果,运用具象的抽象的设计手法来使人们联想自然。

The outlook of green design concept in interior design: 1. Integrate oneself into nature: closure has produced many environmental problems, and environmental factors have become the main body of human survival interests. Breaking the closure makes the interior open again, and creates interior space integrated with the natural environment, which has become the key factor of green interior design. 2. Establish a virtuous cycle ecosystem: Establish an indoor ecosystem that is compatible with the ecological system of the earth and can have a virtuous cycle, which is the basic point of green design of indoor environment. 3. Create an indoor environment atmosphere consistent with "green" : only the ecological indoor environment at the technical level is not a complete indoor green design. We also need to meet the human spirit of the pursuit of high cultural taste of the environment. 4. The future of interior "green design", now proposed as forest City. Under the condition of solving the living environment in the city, the interior design should be cleverly conceived, so that everyone can get close to nature. Under this assumption, the requirements put forward by designers are also aggravated.

