JR News


JRdesign Group Merged with RJSC Architects(USA)

新年伊始,为顺应全球市场的变化,加强设计力量的主导,强强联合,经股东会批准,香港JR设计集团和美利坚合众国著名设计公司--RJSC建筑事务所合并,成立新的JR设计集团,设计总裁由KIEAR MICHELLE担任,重点加强区域建筑规划设计,酒店室内外设计,旅游养生养老及风景园林设计和市政道路的学术研究。为人类创造更多的福祉!

At the beginning of this year, in order to adapt to the changes in the global market, strengthen the leading, the design strength of strong joint, the shareholders' meeting for approval, Hongkong JR design group and the United States of America famous design firm --RJSC architecture with JR design group, the establishment of new, design by KIEAR MICHELLE as president, regional planning and architecture design of the strengthening of key, the hotel interior design academic research on Tourism health, pension and landscape design and urban road. Creating more welfare for human!
