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{香港JR設計}大数据浪潮下的航空业变革 Aviation Industrial Revolution in the Massive Trend of Digit



For many years, digital technology has brought great changes to airports: more efficient passenger handling processes, real time airline information, more convenient boarding and security check processes.

    起初,数字化变革带来的改变显而易见:电子护照能缩短旅客通关所花的时间,例如在美国持有 TSA Pre® 和全球通关(Global Entry)的旅客在往返伦敦和亚特兰大时,不需要通过传统繁琐的流程。当然,这属于个别国家和地区的特例,而大多数人在机场经历的数字体验竟然是玩手机网游!

Most people experience digital technology through mobile games! What are the barriers banning aviation industry from the giant digital era? 

    机场数字化在理论上是简单可行的,但现实中,机场与航空业由错综复杂的利益攸关方与利益交织组成。航空公司与机场业主的商业议程更是大相径庭;立法者与安保专家对待 “ 改革 ” 事项的观点不尽相同。

In theory, the airport can be digitized, but in reality, the agendas of airlines and airport proprietors are very different.


Data can be produced in all processes and systems, but it is separated and can’t be shared or used to serve customers. 


In addition, various international laws and regulations should be considered. The systematic revolutions should be agreed by all the Parties involved, but who will be the first?


HK JR Design think the seamless travel can be established in the places like security check and border check points, and the main Parties involved are-- airlines, legislators and airports. The new example must will influence the market widely.


Airlines and airports can propose the seamless travel with aviation internet in main cities.

    “ 诚信旅客 ” 计划,诸如美国的全球通关(Global Entry)、APEC(亚太经济合作组织)商务旅行卡、墨西哥的 “ 可靠旅客 ” 或阿鲁巴的 “ Happy Flow ” 等都应扩大推广。虽然这些项目仅占当前市场的小份额,其展示出巨大的可能性,亦让旅客免去传统排队等候之苦。

“Trusted Passengers” Plans should be spread. Although the market proportion of the plans is not big, the huge possibility can be shown, which can also eliminate the bitterness of customers when they wait in line.


The group composed of the airport authority, the airline, the industry association and the legislation department should be set, for sketching the future seamless travel processes for customers, through recognizing regular security check points, drawing data processes and adopting digital technology.

    “ 数字革命 ” 的浪潮一波接一波,应对的关键是灵活,通过发行 “ 测试 ” 版软件,找出和克服不确定因素,逐步以渐进方式向目标迈进。如果无缝旅行在一个地方得以实现,那么在其它地方也能成功。

To find out and surmount uncertain factors through issuing the “test” software, so as to march to the aim in a gradual way.

    Aviation industrial revolution goes now!
