JR News

{香港JR设计 HK JR Design}香港JR设计作品及设计团队,公司被收录
hongkong jr design company and work, design team is included in the "yearbook of chinese architectural design works". this yearbook aim..
{香港JR设计 HK JR Design}香港JR設計祝賀许国星教授當選執行會長
our professor xu guoxing chinese district vice president of design because of outstanding contributions in the design industry, was selected as t..
{香港JR设计 HK JR Design}香港JR聯合法國JA建築所聯合設計深圳小梅沙項目
after the first round of bidding comparison, hongkong jr and french ja design company entered the top six to make a plan comparison. now, after n..
{香港JR设计 HK JR Design}香港JR設計雅女湖半山農業旅遊示範區中高端主題民宿的建築設計
after the completion of the planning and design, the hongkong jr design is also responsible for the architectural design of the yanv lake agricul..