JR News

{香港JR设计 HK JR Design}签约项目
since march, the zhongnuo airport city and the intercontinental holiday hotel in fuzhou have been approved by the government and the intercontine..
{香港JR设计 HK JR Design}开课啦⋯!
after several years of preparation, jr institute of international education has made great efforts to create a new ecotype of teaching mode, whic..
{香港JR设计 HK JR Design}项目新闻报道
the use of science and technology and intelligence to bring new art taste, highlight the characteristics of the times, lifestyle, advocate people..
{香港JR设计 HK JR Design}高檔私人定制別塾開工
yesterday, 200 customized private villas in hangzhou and changping, dongguan, designed by jr hong kong, were renovated separately. jr has identif..